Saturday, July 22, 2006

Love it

I didn't know I was getting so (in)famous! I appreciate all the comments, even those intended to scathe, demoralize, or upset. I believe these give wonderful insight to true human nature.

I'm not dead. I haven't quit writing. I'm not trying to build suspense. The truth of the matter is that I've been working. Not in a restaurant, but at a large corporation. Unfortunately, this doesn't afford me the free time to write as often as before. In fact, I've had very little time to do anything besides eat, sleep, work, plan my wedding, and play summer baseball and softball.

I'll write again... check back once a month or so. In the meantime... let the comments, be they good, bad, or ugly, keep rolling in...


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Perfect timing, Server. In a month's time my major exams will be over - what better way to relax than to read a new story? ;)

  2. Hell, anticipation makes things sweeter.

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Glad to know you're okay. I've enjoyed reading all the stories in the archive. Can't wait for the new ones!

  4. welcome back. Glad you are shmirkkk!

  5. youuuuuuuuuuuuu sonofabitch. < /arnold>

    thought maybe you were in the hospital.

    good that you are back, though I have to admit that the breaking of the suspense is a tad disappointing. the end of an era, you know?

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    lol, i knew he wasn't dead.

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    glad you are back!!!
    (and well)

  8. Anonymous12:10 AM

    So people have to wait a month for you to make up a story about being a waiter?

    Sounds reasonable.

  9. anonymous at 12:10am... If you had read through this whole blog, you would have seen that all of these stories are true. I said it then and I'll say it again- it's harder to make non-fiction interesting than it is to write fiction.

    As far as not wanting to wait a month... well, you don't have to. You're the type of person who wonders why it takes 20 mins to cook a well-done porterhouse. You can get the hell out of my restaurant.

    Thank you!

    The Server

  10. congrats about yr wedding!

  11. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Yes, someone who claims to have an Ivy league education still has some burning desire to be a waiter.

    Like that really happens.

    It's okay if you admit the stories are fictional. It's the internet.

    Oh yeah, it will never be "your" restaurant. If it was "your" restaurant than you wouldn't be groveling for 12% tips and crying about how unfair life is when you think anything under 20% is unacceptable.

    Have fun making up more stories! I can't wait for em!

  12. Anonymous12:33 PM

    hey! congratulations on your wedding!! =D

    looking forward to your next post.

  13. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Go fuck yourself. This is the last time I'm checking this page. You should be beaten with your own keyboard. Die!

  14. Anonymous7:25 PM

    "I've had very little time to do anything besides eat, sleep, work, plan my wedding, and play summer baseball and softball."

    Oh, you poor fucking thing...

  15. Just the pure entertainment from the comments section will keep me coming back...
    Glad you are alive and well Server.

  16. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The comments here are a LOT better than waiterrant. Over there it's either a marriage proposal to waiter or an offer to slurp down his man-seed. Boring.

    Don't be in any hurry, server. We have fun while you're gone.

  17. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Waiterrant has a book deal. Man, how much will that book suck? Of course, I'd never leave this comment on his blog. I'd hate to break up his party of fawning sycophants.

  18. Good on you Server. Congratulations on your wedding. I'm reading through your archives now and the stories are always entertaining!

  19. Anonymous3:58 PM

    yes, I had given up..even removed ya from my favs..little voice said to take a peek..little voice is good! welcome back! glad all is well..busy, but well!!

  20. Anonymous3:32 AM

    wow i think what you write is great. it makes me know that some of us can see the crazies from our side of things.
    from the front lines

  21. Hey there was no email on the blog so I had to comment.., anyways I was wondering if you wanted to link swap, my blog is >

    I have a link to you from there.

    I love your stories :D
